Nokia N8 00 - Take a picture

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Take a picture

Press and hold the camera key.

1 Press the camera key halfway down to lock the focus on an object (not available in

landscape or sport scene modes). A green locked focus indicator is displayed. If the

Camera 61

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focus is not locked, a red focus indicator is displayed. Release the camera key, and

press it halfway down again. You can also take a picture without locking the focus.

2 Press the camera key. Do not move the device before the picture is saved and the

final picture displayed.

Zoom in or out

Use the volume keys.

Activate face tracking

1 Select


Face detect.

. The face tracker detects and draws white rectangles

around faces, even when they are moving. The priority face has a yellow rectangle

drawn around it.

2 To focus on the priority face, press the camera key halfway down. A green locked

focus indicator is displayed.

3 Press the camera key. Do not move the device before the picture is saved and the

final picture displayed.

Pictures and videos are saved to the mass memory.