Nokia N8 00 - Use separate calendars for work and free time

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Use separate calendars for work and free time

You can have more than one calendar. Create one for work and another for your free

On the home screen, select the date.
Create a new calendar

1 Select



Manage calendars


2 Select



Create new calendar


3 Enter a name, and set a colour code for the calendar.

4 Define the visibility for the calendar. When a calendar is hidden, the calendar entries

and reminders are not displayed in different calendar views or on the home screen.

5 Select



Modify the settings for a calendar

1 In the Manage calendars view, select the desired calendar.

2 Change the name, colour, and visibility.

3 Select



Add an entry to a particular calendar

1 When adding a calendar entry, select and the calendar.
2 Select



Colour codes indicate which calendar an entry belongs to.